Saturday, April 5, 2008


The planet Saturn is blowin everybody away right now. 20 years ago Voyager 1 and 2 saw a perfect hexagon shape 1,500 miles wide over the north pole of the planet. This is a bit strange cuz there is a constant grand a mile per hour hurricane blowin on Saturn every day. The South pole looks fine, or like it should, you know, a huge eye of the huricane circular in shape, like what you'd expect.
First NASA scientists figured the hexagon at the north was just a fluke, or like a mirage playing with our limited perceptions. The bets are off now with the new Cassini spacecraft shootin pictures of the north pole and the hexagon is still there.
"We haven't seen a (geometric) feature like this anywhere else on any other planet," said Cassini scientist Kevin Baines of the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "It's unbelievable."
I figure the Saturnites must be freakin out right now. They go and spend all this time and money to create the ultimate "keep out" sign by manufacturing and maintaining a hurricane like condition on the face of the planet so off worlders like us will take a peek and say "too windy" then move on. There's no doubt in my mind they know we're lookin. I mean come on, the center of the hexagon has no wind at all and its a straight shot down the funnel to the interior of the planet. Those guys are lookin up at our spacecraft shootin pictures, tryin to figure out if the piece of garbage floatin around their planet is going to fall right through the hexagon and hit them in the head.
Da shit'ah goin'ah hit da fan'ah if we don't at least ask if we can "poke" around in somebody's back yard.
Didn't one of those Voyager spacecraft like,...suddenly crash..or disappear? Maybe I am thinkin of one of the Mars probes....Probably got them pissed at us too.
You can check this out at and draw your own conclusions.
I think it's kind of strange that one of Saturn's moon's Enceladus is "opening up" blowin out huge plumes of ice and water into space.
Like if we had the capasity to stage our millitary defenses on our Moon instead of painting big bull's eye targets on our underground silo's in Colorado, wouldn't we do it?
Man those Saturnites got to be some cold blooded folk...That big bitch is like..out there, man, far away from the warm rays of the Sun. I got it! Maybe we'll luck out on this deal....You know like in War of the Worlds, the aliens couldn't handle the bacteria around here.....Maybe when the Saturnites invade us they will like....just melt.

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