Tuesday, October 21, 2008


If social popularity is truly reflected through the media.
If capitalism holds it's weight as a measure of the needs and desires of the populous.
You might agree that there are more than a few people out there looking for
their soul mate...
Mate, significant other, or better half, as loosely defined within the concept:
An avenue of individual enrichment attainable through the connection of oneness experienced through such a relationship..

Personally,.... heart ache, heart attack, trophy, compromise, triumph, sugar daddy, sugar mama, and lip of insanity are descriptions that also come to mind.
However, I won't be addressing those at this time..
I am not feeling particularly cynical today, and besides, I really did want this blog to indicate something of a thought containing at least semblance of social value..

As it is fitting that the title of any piece of writing be included in the actual body of the material, I suppose this as good time as any to mention it..
It's even a long enough word to tie it's self at both ends somewhere below the tight wire of human relationships to truly be conceived as a safety net.
"You are like me...I am like you....We gonna' get along fine."

The problem is,...people want 'time' to stop..
Just at the moment they decide to pick their apple of compatibility..
They think, "I am picking my apple at the perfect ripeness of compatibility, and it's going to somehow stay preserved just like this for my future enjoyment."

It's a dilemma.. How can we honestly expect to merge into our future, with all it's inherent changes that most certainly will take place, while expecting ourselves and our apple to remain preserved, unchanged, from that time in the passed?
Or we think,..."even due certain unavoidable changes in myself and the self of my apple, I checked this out real good, and picked my apple at just the perfect ripeness.
In spite of life's little twists and turns there is enough compatibility in the perfect ripeness of my apple to cover those unavoidable changes"...

Honestly... I think there is too much emphasis placed on the shoulders of compatibility.
I think there is too little significance placed on the value of oneness that drove you to start looking for an apple in the first place.

Everybody is already compatible...
What?...What did he just say?
Everybody is already compatible.
Ok, I admit it's time to draw a line in the sand...
Those of you who believe this is not your first time around in life...Keep on reading..
Those of you who believe this is it and your either going home to your God Head, or your going to be existing in a place separated from your God Head...
....Humm...It's your call.

So,... the universe is like a blender..
You end a lifetime and your essence is mixed back into the blender only to be spit back out here again..
Fun and games...
I am leaving the spiritual evolutionary process out of the loop cuz the fact remains.
We are still here...We haven't made it to 'over there', cuz we're still here right?
However I digress..
Mean while back at the blender...
Time after time our essence is being mixed up with all the other essences...
After a few eons of living lifetime after lifetime we are so mixed up, we are the essences we're being mixed back into..
The reality of compatibility isn't, "You are like me", "I am like you"....
The reality is, "You are me", "I am you"...

The reason oneness gravitates to harmony in human relationships is
simply because oneness is the reality of all things that get processed
through the blender..
We are all not only a part of the oneness...
We are the oneness.
Relationships fail because we are stuck in the tangled hierarchy of the dream
state known as waking conscience...
In this state of awareness we fully and absolutely believe in the concept of the separation of self.
Ooops...There goes the oneness..
It is this very state of awareness that human beings spend the better part of their busy lives building self...
Self worth, self esteem, self determination, self, self ,self..
With every illusionary act of building the concept of individual self, comes the ever widening gap of separation from the true harmonic value of oneness...
It is the separation from oneness that leads to the creation and cultivation of alienation..
It is in fact, the root cause of all human suffering in the world today.
What?...What?...What is the cause of all human suffering in the world today?
The root cause of all human suffering in the world today is Man's misunderstanding of his true nature in the universe..

The good news is Human kind has the ability to 'know' it's true nature in the universe..
Despite what fundamentalist western religious doctrine claims.
Human's have the capacity to understand their true nature in the universe because...........
Because, like everything else that exist....We are the universe...We are not only put through the blender...
We are the blender...
We are not only trying to get to that 'other place'...
We are that other place.
The oneness concept of the universe is contained in the word 'that'....
I am that...You are that....All this is that....That is all there is..

Next time I write about this subject I will share an exercise with you..
It is a piece of that capacity to 'know'..
It will allow you to experience for yourself a state of awareness one level above the 'waking state' of conscience...
It is this state of awareness Walt Whitman refers to in his quote:
I cannot be awake for nothing looks to me as it did before,
Or else I am awake for the first time, and all before has
been a mean sleep.

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