Saturday, July 19, 2008


I don't know where the saying came from.. 'Men are attractive to women at any age'.
It's complete crap...On the flip side, women like it or not ladies, are a sex object in the minds and loins of men...
The whole concept that all women are uniquely beautiful is in reality, only skin deep...
...The older we are, the less likely we're going to fit the 'hottie' criteria...Even with the older crowd...
The problem is, we humans have a long memory...
Older guys remember the hour glass figures of the women they used to know...
Women remember flat stomachs, bulging muscles, heads full of hair, combined with passion filled nights, and snore less repose.
Maybe it happens so fast we don't have time to grow up to it...
It's not our fault..We get older quicker than our sex drive...
We recognize what is happening and fight back the best we can....
Lube up...Tone up...Make up...Our medicine cabinets, once practicality empty are now filled to the brim with 'weapons'..
I've got male enhancers, viagra, Revita lift, potassium gluconate, pearl drops, aloe moisturizer, collagen, to name a few..
The male enhancers and viagra are just in case the other stuff happens to work...
It doesn't though..
We are left trying to lurer the opposite sex with pathetic soapboxes like, 'sensitivity', 'modern thinking', 'knows how to treat a lady', 'honesty', 'sincerity', 'stability', blah, blah, blah...
We are the used up...The has been...The rotting...The left behind...
We just don't want to admit it....I read it all the time..."I love who I am", "I love my life", "I don't 'need' anyone"...I read it on every lonely hearts dating site I subscribe to ..."Not sure what I am doing here"...."Just curious"....
The ones that introduce themselves as "Ready to take a chance" have the right attitude though..
There's nothing new out there folks...
There is no 'different way' to play the game...Your age and experience aren't going to protect you from the pitfalls of your youth...
Your youth was only a moment ago...
Really now, just how grown up do you think you are?
Your going to get hurt...Your going to do some hurting...Your going to be disappointed...Your going to disappoint...
So what?...That's life...That's love...That's people...We older folk got to accept it...
If we want love, if we want to be a part of the 'now' we've got to take the experience we have stockpiled and utilize it to our advantage...
We are already ahead in the game..
We know.....
In the end,'s going to end...The romance, the glow, the 'special abstraction' ends...
So what?....You boo hoo, you blow your nose, you move on...(Always wanted to use that line from 'for Richer of Poorer'.)
What's the option?...Sit around talking about 'Glory days'?....
Safe and comfortable in our little world of memories?....
Indulge ourselves in our kid's lives so we can feel filled up?...
Age is relative...In the greater scheme of time, all things alive today are of the same 'age'...
Society and culture put divisions, dividers, categories, terminologies, judgements, on age...
It's the result of buying into chronological time...There is no such thing...
It's an invention of the human mind...
A convenience that has led us down a spiraling narrow minded end...
The concept of chronological time has spilled over to saturate and pollute the very fiber of our existence..
Who needs to be reminded every 365 days your another 'year' older?...
Another year less valuable than the previous year?...
Screw that...
Ok, so I am rambling...It's my blog ain't it?...
It just bugs me that because we get older we are conditioned, trained, expected to be,...shadows...
I always wanted a Viking funeral...To go out in a ball of fire...
I for one am not ready for a funeral..However, that ball of fire?...Yea, that one I am up for...

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