Friday, October 3, 2008


Well, this year is blowing out in a hurry..
It's always around this time I start thinking about next year..
Kind of a pre new year resolution thing..
Let see, it's too late to fix this or that this year cuz, time is running out..
Next year is going to be 'better'....Yeah, that's the one...
Next year is going to be better...
I've got to be finished wading through the sludge by then...Next year is going to be roses..
Every year October swings around and I am repeating those same lines..
LooseCanon, why can't you get it though your thick skull, It's already better...
Spoiled rotten.......
October...Her favorite time of year...I never much cared for it before we met..
It's something about the 'time' of the season that always discouraged me...
The magnitude of the relentless awful truth that is the circle of life...
Love changed all that..Love made October ok with me..
That was many years ago, and still it is her reflection that carries me through these 31 days.
Oh man, this isn't going to be one of those 'crazy' LooseCanon blogs again is it??...
You know the ones where he gets all nuts and starts spewing' all kinds of personal sexual turmoils and shit?
Like a god damn volcano with a hard on?
Really, it's...I wanted to wish her a happy Birthday, and it's not like it's that 'one' day that happens to fall in the month of October...
It's not that I am afraid I'll like, forget about it, and be stuck in the 'belated' line...
It's more like, what October 'is' to me...
There were so many October's that came and went...So many I didn't even make the 'belated' line...
Yet,...not one passed without it being her month, here, inside of me...
So, Happy Birthday, October...I am so grateful you are in the world..
It is the month that marks the fall season, and of some gravity personally, as I am now experiencing the fall years of my life..
Other than some saggy skin and the outside chance of aphasia setting in at any given moment, I would not trade these years for any other...
They have proven to be a totality, and luckily, the mistakes and immaturity of previous times have proven themselves to be of value after all..
What lies behind the falling leaves, gusty winds, fractured sunlight of these days of change is what gives them merit.
Half the living world experiencing a common goal..
A busy time of preparation...Awaking from the long, lazy, forgiving days of summer..
An instinctive anxiety to 'make haste'...Mingled amongst those sets of gusts, Winter can be heard growling, "I am coming.....It may not seem like it today, but make no mistake....I am coming"...
For most of us American's, October is the gateway to the holiday season with Halloween on the tail end, (one of my favorites) then Thanksgiving less than a month after...All leading up to the 'big ones' Chanukah and Christmas Day with New Years kind of a basking in the after glow...
I think that's what she meant about October being her favorite time of year....I could be wrong of course, however, she has a knack of 'thinking' way down the road from me, so it makes sense...
This year, I am putting my personal shaman hex on the Santa Anna winds and their notorious wild fire havoc here in California...As an added safe guard I have summoned the dead spirit of Hatfield 'the rain maker' to assist me in my efforts...
Did I ever tell you guys about Hatfield 'the rain maker'?....True story...Right here in my town...Filled up the newly formed Lake Morena reservoir, over spilled the dam, and flooded out half of San Diego...
Got some serious magic working with me on this deal..
Trick or treat...